In my last show at St. Mary's College in Winona, I had a piece called What Keeps You Up At Night? I asked the viewer to write down a fear, a worry, a bad dream; in other words something that keeps them up at night. These are the results:
Normal/typical Fears
I am terrified by bugs
Bugs in my room, life a spider crawling on face in the middle of the night
Getting eaten by a shark
Bats getting in the house
Drop down from the top of a building
Bad dream
The fire alarm
Did I lock my door?
Public speaking
Monsters a taking me
The Boneman
Adults who bully
drowning/being trapped underwater and not being able to breathe
My fear that keeps me up at night is drowning
Sometimes the dark
I am afraid of iceburgs because of the unknown
Closed spaces or being stuck. My thoughts
Night mares!
Really scary vids before bedtime
Parking structures
Lynx attack
Mental - Anxiety, depression, overthinking
Awkward encounters with people
Anxiety and school stress, headaches
A rough day overthinking about it
Being so paralyzed in life that you do nothing.
Being trapped in my body
If I don’t exercise during the day, I worry
I have GAD, so everything forms into a ball of yarn tangles that I can’t unweave. I’ve even cried over a spoon I couldn’t clean b/c I was too sick.
Too much on my mind
General anxiety
A fear of being alone & unloved
Being alone
Being loved
Fear of abandonment
Being alone
Being vulnerable to others
Dying alone
Being alone
Not being accepted or loved
Being completely and utterly ALONE
Being alone
*drawing of a heart*
Being alone
Being lonely
Fear of love
That maybe I’ll never “find” someone
What if no one will love me?
Broken love
Being forgotten
Stress about the future and what our planet will look like years to come -KB
Not knowing what the future holds for me…
Future career plans
The future
Not getting a job after graduation
Unknown of the next day
Not becoming my dream
Money problems
Being without money & heights
Financial needs. Not having enough money
Never finding my life’s purpose
I fear I won’t find an ambition in life
I worry about my impending future. That definitely keeps me up at night
Failing out of school…
Missing morning classes
The fear of missing my alarm in the morning
I’m worried about an exam
Student debt
Paying for school & my education
Class papers
School homework
Fear of doing bad in school
Failing school and disappointing my mom
My job
That I am not smart enough to be a doctor
Life after college
Getting my 6th grade boys in reading class - to love reading!
Grad school
The fear that I think I am a failure & that I am not good enough
Fear of failure!
Fear of failure
Failing or messing up
Failure in life
The fear of failure or losing people close to me
Not becoming who I want to be
Not achieving my dream to be a teacher
That whatever I end up doing with my life I will fail at
Not being successful or amount to anything when I “grow up” & losing close ones
I’ll never be more than mediocre at anything I do.
Not being good enough…
Not being good enough
That I’m not good enough...
Not being good enough in academics, sports, relationships, life
Failing to accomplish what I want in life. Losing my family.
Disappointing people
Disappointing otheres
The fear that I’m not doing enough for the people I love
Letting down my friends
I’m afraid of disappointing me people around me
Fear of failing or disappointing someone
Being disappointing
A fear that keeps me up at night is failure. I’m that everything I do I might fail on it and that my life would have no meaning
Will I succeed? Fear of not being loved & achieving
Family well-being
The well-being of my family
Ageing family members
Losing someone I love
Lose lover
I worry she will feel guilty if she quits her job - I don’t want her to feel guilty
What if I hurt someone I love when I die early
Raising a family
Not having children
My father dying before Christmas from his cancer
My daughter’s safety - health, accident, trauma
I worry about my daughter’s kidney health - she works such long hours
Grandpa’s wise words
My daughter
Abduction of a loved one
Seeing my mother be anxious about my Dad’s health
Something happening to my parents while I am away
I worry my daughter’s financial status in the future after her divorce
Of my mom and dad to die
Waiting for my 17 yr old to come home in an Uber ride
Family staying Safe
Family happiness
My ability or inability to get healthy & lose wight and providing for my family xoxo
Losing my mom in walmart
GRandma and GRandpa’s health
That Nathan will get hurt
Worries about my son.
The fact that I can’t tell my family I’m gay.
I’m still in the closet
My daughters well being
That my girls will be OK in this world
Getting breast cancer or any cancer
Will I forget how to paint?
Health concerns from poor life decisions
Fear of bad health
I) Tick born illnesses ex. Lymes II) moldy neurotoXins
Lung cancer
Lung cancer
If I actually have an STD
Getting a girl pregnant
Is my girlfriend pregnant?
Bob’s sex noises
Dan snoring
Peepee small
PeePee not get big
My drug addiction
stimulants...Stem-u-lents lol
Sex-trafficking/being kidnapped/not being able to protect myself
Being raped…
Sleepovers with my uncle when I was 4 years old
My father making me have a relationship with the woman he cheated on my mom with
The end
Fear of hell
Me or a loved one dying
Burning alive
I get scared someone is watching me and or it I make a noise they’ll kill me at night in my bed
Life after death
Not being the man that God called me to be.
Not doing what God is asking me to do, failing expectations
Counting blessings instead of sheep
The Soviet Union’s inevitable uprising
9/11 again
Nuclear war/Sarah Palin
The court system
Not totally sure where these belong
April 25 2017
Abuse that gift and turn
Andrew’s greasy pigeon face
Sometimes it’s worrying about my kids. Mostly, it’s because I’m going through my change. Also, owning a business can be a factor.
Ryan Charko
Ryan Charko
Bive Ballz
Can’t read that one
What is in Jordos backpack
The image of Sonic the Hedgehog furry-fan-fiction while playing “Take on Me” by Ah-ha in the background, while eating Daniel Radcliffe's delicious asshole.
Something written in another language
Nothing, I keep other people up at night
*drawing of a smiley face*
Daddy Cho
I hope my mom sends cookies
Chad? Brad? Gabe? Alex? Not knowing who is going to win the bachelor
Blair *sad face* (a person)
Gutan tag!
Help me
To be honest I sleep good. Maybe my fear is to not have one
Fear of Cam
Tim Gleason
My dog Bill <3