What Keeps You Up At Night?
Summer 2018
Cotton pillowcase, indigo, embroidery thread
I've had trouble sleeping for most of my life, but it started getting worse once I graduated college. The great unknown of the real world was apparently stressing me out. I finally realized why one of my science professors said the worst way to die was via African Sleeping Sickness, Trypanosomiasis. It disrupts your sleep cycle, even though you're tired you won't be able to sleep...for days or weeks. Scientists still do not know why we have such a long sleep period, but they do know weird things happen when we do not get the sleep we need.
I went to the doctor to see if she had any advice because I was already doing everything my friends, family, and internet were telling me to do. I wanted to create an interactive piece where people could write down their worries and fears and place them inside the pillow. Hopefully putting those fears to rest.